When I had original big Advents I built short stands for them from spare shelving, 1" x 6"s or 1" x 8"s, in an H pattern, cheap and easy. Big cinder blocks work too - put some carpet remnants between the speakers and the blocks. Basically use whatever you can to get them off the floor. Forget all the ritualistic audio hoohah except getting some equilateral placement going. Place them sideways on top of a dresser or into a shelf; they'll sound great. Use books as elevators. Experiment with the tweeters on the insides or outsides. The Advents are fun so have fun with them.
Nowadays I'm running posh, high WAF, pampered ProAc 2000 Signatures on stylin' Target welded stands. The ProAcs are certainly sweet but some days I still miss the bulky, get the job done Advent magic.
Nowadays I'm running posh, high WAF, pampered ProAc 2000 Signatures on stylin' Target welded stands. The ProAcs are certainly sweet but some days I still miss the bulky, get the job done Advent magic.