Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer

Just curious...

I have 2 subs, and due to space limits i have been thinking about going with Monitors and putting them on the subwoofers.

Here is my idea, if anyone knows if this will not work please let me know why.

Subwoofer on spikes.
On top of subwoofer either a marble or granite slab. Felt beneath the slab to keep it from scratching the top of the sub.
Monitor speakers coupled on small custom built stands (possibly built to hold sand or leadshot) to achieve the correct height, spikes on the stand which would sit on the granite above the subwoofer

Would this achieve decent isolation between the monitor and subwoofer? I see alot of speakers with built in subwoofers, or other types of speakers with the fullrange box and monitor on top, (GMA Continuims, Watt/puppy, etc)

Thoughts on this from you Coupleing/Isolation Guru's?

Would this do a decent job of isolation or should i look into other methods?
Alright Slappy,
Time to get serious, after you get your speakers suspended, find the *sweetspot* (where it sounds best) and locate a point directly *above* that. (plum-bob works)
Suspend another length of wire from your vaulted ceiling at that point to about 3.5 feet above the floor.
Create a noose at the end of the line and invite your friend(s) over for a listening session they'll never forget !!
Gunbei, If your smart, you'd best stay away from Slappy's house for a while (just call him) till he gets *this system* worked out and fine tuned with others.
Man this system is gonna be sweet!

Where the hell is Ellery911? he would enjoy this one.

Thinking of Ellery, looks like he is gonna make it down here for the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.
I better get crackin on finding some Cute Psycho-Twins, some Pump Monoblocks, Purse Pre-amp, Chinese Love Swings, Wolverines, Spanish Fly, Hockey Gear, Medeival Armor, Audiopoints, and a Noose..... better get a package of bacon for good measure.

Thats a hell of a shopping list. Hopefully i can get it all set up so when Ellery visits he can try out the noose.

then i'll need to get some shovels, plasit bags, a hacksaw, some limesalt, and an air freshener and no witnesses.