Need help finding a relaible/reasonable shipper

Happy New Year to all my fellow A'goners. I need to find a reliable shipping company to ship my Soliloquy 6.5s door to door residential. BAX claims they do not do residential. Only businesses. These speakers are monsters (59"x20"x15", 150 lbs. each boxed) and would prefer these be strapped down to a pallet for shipping. Any recommendations for a good, reasonably priced shipper to take these to California from Colorado?

I'll second Ocean Air. Madrigal used to use them for shipping Mark Levinson pieces after service upgrades/repairs, and I had good luck with them.

Also, I was very impressed with Watkins Freight Lines. They shipped my Revel Studios to me without a hitch. The service was professional, friendly, and reliable.

Hope this helps, and good luck.

Happy New Year to all!
Try Rhodeway Trucking as I shipped Martin Logans from Ca to NM and all went well! This is the Co. Martin Logan uses. Make sure when they are boxed up you put at least 12 inches of material between speakers and box, bubble wrap around speakers is a must along with Insurance. Good Luck!
After recommending Ocean Air, I now need them but can't find a current phone number. Can anyone help?
