How many audiophiles bi wire their speakers????

I was wondering if Audiogon member use dedicate cables or amps for the upper and lower drivers?..if so were you pleased with the results?..does different jumpers cables have different sound signatures?...
I have a pair of Innersound ISIS (Electrostatic Hybrid) speakers and I have bi-wired and bi-amped them. IMO bi-amping made a considerable difference. I use a High Current SS amp for the bass and moderately powered tube amp for the mid/high panels.

It may be that hybrids lend themselves to this application better than other speakers but you should give it a try if you can.
I Bi-Wire Aeris I speakers from Bryston 9B-THX, with some improvement in clarity and depth.
I have recently given up on bi-wiring. Fot those that can open up the terminal box on their speakers. Connect the two x-overs to 1 terminal. Then use just 1 speaker run from the amp. Found this to give the most neutral sound. YMMV
My apologies that the Cary article isn't there any's been a little over a year since I copied it off their website...if I have the time I will transcribe it onto this thread.

John, thank you. I have been doing several web searches and I am on quite the learning curve. If you like, you can scan and Email it to me and I can copy it or even fax it and I shall do the rest.

When I ask for something I love it when I can contribute to the project.