Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K

What is the best all around box speaker for 15K-25K? Like all kinds of music but focus on vocals, Jazz and Classical (no heavy metal).

Vandersteen 5A
Wilson WP 7
Avalon Eidolons
Aerial 20T
Focal-JM labs Nova Utopia
Sonus Farber Cremona
Kharma Ceramique 3.2
I would second the Verity Parsifal recommendation. Their beautifully refined and transparent midrange makes them great for vocals and acoustic instruments. They can rock too, providing your room is not too large.
You can toss in Burmester B99's to the list and Silverline Audio's Grand La Folia. You might as well throw in Sound Lab U-1's while you're at it, possibly even Talon Firebird or Khorus, maybe Cain & Cain Ben ES... the list goes on and on!
Harder to come by, but I love my Dynaudio Temptations. Great sound, slender profile, beautiful asthetics, and a non-box sound!