Speakers for small room?

I've bought a new house; only problem is that the listening room is small (12 x 13, with 9' ceilings). So I won't be able to put speakers far out into the room. Any suggestions for speakers that are designed to be placed close to a wall? I listen mostly to classical music and jazz; ideally, the speakers could be driven by a tube amp of modest power (50-80 wats).

Thanks - David
Some speakers that work well in a small room:

Neat Petites (or a couple of other Neat Acoustic designs)
AVI Neutron III
Joseph Audio RMsi
Totem Arros
Dynaudio contour 1.1
Linn Tukans (or other Linn stand mounts)
I am using Proac Response 2. See my system if you like. I did not have success with rear ported speakers. If you are considering a rear ported speaker you should audition carefully in your room before purchasing. Good luck!
I'd second both the Totem Arros and Linn Tukans. I have both, in rooms that require near-wall placement. (The Totems are actually holding their own in a 20 X 30 room as part of a HT system.) I didn't truly appreciate how "unfussy" both these speakers are until I starting messing around with speakers which really don't appreciate being rammed up against the wall... Gershman X-1s, and Merlin TSM-Ms.)
Take a look at the new ProAc Response range of speakers. They have downward firing ports that certainly helps in positioning and do mate well with tube amps so its definitely worth exploring. I'm using the Response D15 in an apartment and I am quite pleased with the results.