Speakers for small room?

I've bought a new house; only problem is that the listening room is small (12 x 13, with 9' ceilings). So I won't be able to put speakers far out into the room. Any suggestions for speakers that are designed to be placed close to a wall? I listen mostly to classical music and jazz; ideally, the speakers could be driven by a tube amp of modest power (50-80 wats).

Thanks - David
I had good results with the Stone image Audio KJB micros in a same size room driven with 35 wpc solid state intergrated.
I had them out about 8 to 10 inches.
Very detailed and musical.
Some speakers that work well in a small room:

Neat Petites (or a couple of other Neat Acoustic designs)
AVI Neutron III
Joseph Audio RMsi
Totem Arros
Dynaudio contour 1.1
Linn Tukans (or other Linn stand mounts)
I am using Proac Response 2. See my system if you like. I did not have success with rear ported speakers. If you are considering a rear ported speaker you should audition carefully in your room before purchasing. Good luck!
I'd second both the Totem Arros and Linn Tukans. I have both, in rooms that require near-wall placement. (The Totems are actually holding their own in a 20 X 30 room as part of a HT system.) I didn't truly appreciate how "unfussy" both these speakers are until I starting messing around with speakers which really don't appreciate being rammed up against the wall... Gershman X-1s, and Merlin TSM-Ms.)