If you're looking for full-range speakers, consider the Coincident lineup. I've heard four different models now, and they all sound great. They're coherent, detailed, musical and very easy to drive. If you can find a pair of used Total Victory or Total Eclipse they'd do fine in your room with your amp.
I use Total Victories in a well-treated room that's 12x19x8, and they sound fantastic. I drive them with 16 rockin' tube watts. I've also heard a pair of Super Eclipse III giving magically coherent sound with very full bass, in a room that's about the same size as yours with a 9 foot ceiling. They were also driven by 16 watt 300Bs.
I use Total Victories in a well-treated room that's 12x19x8, and they sound fantastic. I drive them with 16 rockin' tube watts. I've also heard a pair of Super Eclipse III giving magically coherent sound with very full bass, in a room that's about the same size as yours with a 9 foot ceiling. They were also driven by 16 watt 300Bs.