Arcam, Cambridge Audio or Sony: Most musical??

I am looking at a Arcam CD37, a Cambridge Audio 840C, and Sony XA5400ES. I don't give a crap about computer audio; I just want to purchase the "best sounding" or "most musical sounding" with the best overall sound quality of the three indicated CD players Thank you
They're all good in their own rights, different, yes. It comes down to preference and synergy with the rest of your equipment.
TO ZD542, Why those three because Sony and Cambridge Audio are on sale on AG. The Arcam is another issue; I believe it is $2200; I have never seen one used on AG, at least not recently. Some members claim the previous FMJ CD-33 player is the most musical, but I have seen reviews that claim the new Arcam is better.

Lastly, the freakin Ayre CX-7emp2 is too expensive even used. An older version of this model can be upgraded for about $500-900 by Ayre. If I could find the original CX-7 for $1000-1100, I would "probably" go for it. But, so far I not seen one at that price on AG, and probably never will.

I fear that the CA 840C will be only marginally better than the Rega Apollo which I currently own; and, I only have the weight of Kal Rudman's review in Stereophile which elevated it into the A category as possible proof that the Sony is much better than the Apollo. I never really associated Sony as a maker of high-end audio. Thank you to all who responded so far.
Aloha, SunnyJim.
I've owned both the Arcam CD-33 and Ayre CX-7e MP. Both are quality, highly musical sources, but the Ayre is in a different league. If you have an extensive SACD collection, I would suggest the Arcam CD-37 that now supports SACD, or the Sony. Otherwise, esp. if you can exploit balanced output, buy a used Ayre at around $2k And don't look back. Used prices have likely stabilized, so your investment should hold its value for a while. Also, you'll have access to world-class product support should you ever need it.
Good luck in your search.
Sunnyjim, I just came back from listening to a Marantz SA-15S (just minutes ago) and was sorely tempted to lay down the cash for it. It was a demo and had the champagne finish (which you can't find anywhere new) and had they come down to match some online demo prices, I would have bought it.

It is a very musical player and lacked none of the detail I look for. I made sure to bring my own CDs and listened for close to an hour and despite having to listen through their equipment, after a while it became apparent, to me, that this unit is what I want.

Some say that the Marantz lacks detail or smooths things over but I beg to differ. At most, it gives the music a burnished imaged, albeit slight, and much less the effect of a tube device. It's just not solid state sounding and I could listen to it all day long. It's that it sounds like music would, to my ears, especially female vocals (sublime).

I'm sorely tempted to drive back over the hill and just get it but I've learned to wait and see if I can get a better price, which I can if I want to buy it online but it would be in black and I wouldn't get to see if there are any marks on it while this one is pristine.

Oh, the agony.

Good luck in your search,
How far apart are you on price? If you add shipping costs, are you in the vicinity of the price you would be paying locally?