Best Subwoofer avaible?


someone out there might have a clue?
For seamless integration (and stereo performance)
between a monitor, probably The Wilson-Benesch Discovery, and a subwoofer!
What subs are the reference?
A couple of Years ago i had the REL-Stadium 3, i didn't like it in my previous system!
I had it setup, tweaked and tried, Oh yes
- even unconventional placements for both sub
and speakers..never liked it!
Got help from a dealer..still not good!
I didn't mention, i had it along and tried in 4 apartments
- did i move a lot..You bet!!
Well, it was my worst hifi senario ever!
Best i've heard was through tacts pre togther with 2 of their subs and Dali speakers!
Speed and slamm not to mention totally seamless!

Well.. i've been thinking about Thiels new or how about those new Velodyne?

Feed me input, most thankful
I too have tried REL subs (as well as many others)- and I could not get them integrated - in fact, they sounded the best when they were unplugged. If you ask Wilson Benesch about subwoofers, they will most likely tell you what they told me, "Subwoofers are evil". I didn't believe it at first but I do now. One of the many benefits to using Wilson Benesch speakers is how seamless they sound - adding a subwoofer seems to introduce nothing but problems.

If you go with a sub, make it a Velodyne HGS - 12" or smaller and try to find a home for it in-between your speakers or the midrange & soundstage will get too distorted. The volume will need to be set very low and the crossover must be set to the minimum (40Hz) or use an external crossover set between 33 and 37Hz depending on your room for better integration.
The Revel B15 driver (made by JBL) is available by itself - so, buy it, build a box, and equal or surpass the B15 performance for 1/4 the price or less. I think P.E. has the driver....

the Tumult is a good choice too, I think has kits using that driver and a plate amp - for around $800 or so? build your own box or buy theirs...

I just picked up a Velodyne DD-12, and let me say that this was the most significant upgrade that I have done to my system. I have a very difficult room, bass-wise, and the ability of the Digital Drive series subs to not only analyze, but also correct for, such room characteristics is nothing short of revolutionary. Combine that with a very fast, musical sub that absolutely disappears, and it becomes a tough act to beat. Don't shy away from Velodyne just because they also make more affordable subs. The Digital Drive line is very much a "must audition" line of subs.

The final word on subwoofers is the AERIAL SW12! SEAMLESS. The only problem I have faced is the price. Get beyond that and your set for a long time.Good luck, let us know what you decide.
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