No computer??

I just wanted you all to know an interesting fact that I have recently come across. Our company has advertised in Stereophile, some of you may have seen the ad. I have received numerous calls for literature, which we are behind in printing, and thus are still about 4 weeks away from having any. While the brochure will be nice, there is about 10 times the information on the website, thus I have always asked "have you been to our website?" You can not believe how many people have responded--I don't have a computer. This amazes me, as these are people that read Stereophile. These did not sound like people that were so old they did not ever have access to a computer and thus never tried one, nor did these people sound like finances were any reason not to have a computer. While I can't be sure--it seemed to be more a purposeful decision of "I am simplifying my life--and a computer doesn't need to be part of it." Two of the people said they would go to the library and look me up on the internet connection there. I've suggested that to several--and I kind of got the impression of a deer looking into the headlights--just a long pause on the phone. To me it would be virtually impossible to work without a computer--I would have about 3 miles of paper in my office were it not for my computer--and very little way of keeping the organization I need. For most out there on A-gon (who obviously have a computer--or at the very least access to one) this probably sounds as surprising to you as it did to me. Just thought I would share that--any thoughts or comments would be welcomed.
Don't forget that even though your web site is rich with information, some people, including myself, still like the tangible feel of paper-based literature. I can read it in bed, get a better feel for the look of a product or just touch and dream. I use the Internet extensively, but I miss the tangible aspects of books, magazines, catalogs, etc.
One third of America will Never be online. I need that 33% for my business; the telephone has far more power than any PC. Just my two cents...
...not to mention that you can put a brochure/literature on your table to be much more easily and causally looked and/or shared with someone else at a later moment. In addition, many do not have quality PRINTING capabilities that will allow them to print in color or in an otherwise pleasing format.

A bit of friendly advise is to address the source of the "4 weeks behind in printed material availabilty". That is unacceptable if your are sourcing out the printing.
Never in the history of man has an invention become so important to our lives so quickly. There is a definite division between users and not users of PCs (macs too), and that can be further divided into users and those who use effectively. As my father once put it, a computer is a tool, and that tool is only as effective as the person on the other end (he can barely get a computer turned on, yet relies on one for work and family communication since he lives in Indonesia). I think people would be amazed at the wide varitey ways people 'use' their computers. Some concider emailing friends and family 'using' a computer. Others I know would fall to pieces financially if their PC died.

In short, nothing surprises me when comes to computer users EXCEPT those who become so dependant on something they don't understand, and those who buy PCs/Macs without giving much thought as to what they need a computer for, but then again, I see that type of behavior from people buying stereo's the "I just gotta have the best so I can brag" mentallity.

And I agree with 4yanx, sounds like you need my help Rives; if you are so behind in your printing, either the people you are sourcing too need to be fired, or you need to invest in some equipment.
Carry on! I am 62 and do all my research online. I even create websites just for fun. The point is, without a computer, I never would have found you (and we would not now be having this discourse).
Don't underestimate the potential of this medium.
Good luck!
