Dynaudio Confidence C3 vs. SF Guarneri Homage

I am looking at both these wonderful compact speakers. your expereinces thoughts? I am especially interested in their bass production. My room is moderate in size. Amp=Ayre V-5x, preamp ARC LS MKII, soource Levinsion 390S. Of course I want it all: sounstage and imaging, harmonic richness, dynamics, swing, yummy midrange and tight bass.
that's me - i love natural/simple recordings of stringed instruments and voices. I do listen to some rock, but less and less. These days, Im more into being soothed rather than roughed up. I do have a mass-mkt home theatre set up complete with fat Kliphsh sub for those occasional harder 'rock' moments.....
Listen to them both. They're very different. You're likely to like one of them and not both of them.
For the record, I sold the Guarneris and have Avantgarde horns now. I will NOT return to moving coild speakers anytime soon. YMMV
appreciate the full disclosure. Haivng seen a pic of the Duo, I'd never ever get something like that past my wife on a purely aestetic basis.....