Am I crazy????? Try THIS

So my friend needs stands for his book shelf speakers. We can't find any in my little town. I had an idea, HANG THEM!!! They sound so much better. Why? Before you get crazy we didn't have to drill the cabinets or anything we just built a "harness" of sorts. It looks somewhat different, but for about $11.75 we hung both his speakers with braided wire and some eye screws etc. And they sound better to me. Anyone done this?

How far are they from the floor? I tried this a long time ago but looking back think I hung them too high (ear level when standing).
Albertporter...True, but...with the exception of Klipshorns and some Allison (sp?) speakers that were designed with room boundries in mind I find that the bass augmentation due to walls and floor sounds false to me. I prefer less bass, unless I can get it directly from the speaker.

I suppose it depends very much on the speaker used. Two that I have heard that were great suspended were Maggies (with a cathedral ceiling) and (believe it or not) Bose 901 (original model).
"Hanging them,you still will get vibration from the ceiling going down the wire to the speaker."

They actually make vibration dampners for hanging speakers. Check this link to see'em.
i have a pair of cv re-30 hung upsidedown, to keep tweeter at ear level, for 10 years. 200 watts to each, even with the 12's maxed out on hip hop ive never seen them move. i have been thinking about putting my nht 2.5i in their place upsidedown after checking with nht about innerds. hanging them will give u more floor space, sound better, and keeps small hands, and pets away from your speakers. only problem ive had is a baffel came loose, needs some gorrila glue. if i figure out how i will send a picture.
i used 2 i bolts in the ceiling, a brass swivel and a bunch of black nylon webbing, (like seat belts are made of), to make a harness.