Treatment for rubber speaker surrounds?

Anyone use any type of treatment like silicone for their speaker surrounds to preserve them from getting hard and drying out. Does any company make a product meant for this purpose? I have heard of people using Armor All but IMO that is not the best choice because it also can cause drying and cracking.
I third (is there such a thing) the motion above. Leave the surrounds alone -- or, dust them with a soft cloth or duster fm tie to time.
If you use the right kind of product on your speakers you can probably get the surrounds unglued from the cones.
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Elizabeth, Yes there Mequiar's Tire Gel with conditioning Jojoba Oil. (Whatever the Heck that is?)

Arnold, Watch as you posted this thread there's someone sitting on the sidelines thinking!

3 months from now a product for surrounds will hit the market?

It will be called something like "Surround Compound Hi-Rez Xtreme Cream", or something else captivating?

Anyone Drooling Yet?

Dozens of Audiophools will spend endless sleepless nights surfing the web hoping that someone posts a positive review of this new magic snakeoil!

As it's ad will make promises such as, "Take your Speakers to an Entirely Next Level", "Tighter, Faster, Able to Scale Large Buildings Bass Response", "Soundstage so Wide it will Spread onto the Sidewalk", etc.....

Was P. T. Barnum a Audio Dealer, Maybe?

How many times have you read of a new CD Enhancement Liquid Spray with special applicator pads, at $80.00 an ounce, being the new Hot Fad Tweak-4-Twits?

Ever think that there's a Fellow sitting in his Living Room with a $35.00 a Gallon Commercial Acrylic Cleaner-n-Haze Remover, funneling it into these Magical little 1 once bottles?

A Bubblin' Crude Oil, Black Gold, Texas Tea. Next thing you know the Fellow is a Millionaire, left his Empty Gallon Bottles in his Old Living Room, & moved to Beverly!

Like a Drug Czar cutting down an 8 Ball with Baking Soda into Dime Bags for Distribution?

Just a Different type of Dealer, with a Different type of Drug, for a Different type of Addict!

"There's a Sucker Born Every Minute", a 130+ years later P.T.'s statement may still hold true?

Don't Believe the Hype!