Thanks for the replies.
Slipknot & Rooze -- I will using my Innersound ESL300 which from what I've read is a good amp for the 3.6s. While I'm sure there are better (Wolcotts for example) it will be a good start for me.
My room is 14x20 and the 3.6s would be on the short wall. They would be about 8ft apart. Perhaps I could leave them 3 ft out from the front wall (for aesthetics) and for critical listening, slide them out another foot or so. Are they easy to slide in and out? At least they don't appear to be very heavy.
At this point, I am leaning towards getting the 3.6s. But part of me wants to wait for the HiFi Show in NYC and check out what's new : ) VonSchweikert's VR4 Srs are supposed to be everything the Jrs are with more bass! Yeah Hah! Two months seems like an eternity now!
Thaks again for the replies!
Slipknot & Rooze -- I will using my Innersound ESL300 which from what I've read is a good amp for the 3.6s. While I'm sure there are better (Wolcotts for example) it will be a good start for me.
My room is 14x20 and the 3.6s would be on the short wall. They would be about 8ft apart. Perhaps I could leave them 3 ft out from the front wall (for aesthetics) and for critical listening, slide them out another foot or so. Are they easy to slide in and out? At least they don't appear to be very heavy.
At this point, I am leaning towards getting the 3.6s. But part of me wants to wait for the HiFi Show in NYC and check out what's new : ) VonSchweikert's VR4 Srs are supposed to be everything the Jrs are with more bass! Yeah Hah! Two months seems like an eternity now!
Thaks again for the replies!