Sweet not so sweet


I'm an owner of the Innersound Eros ESLs and while I love the sound while sitting in the "sweet spot", my "sweet spot" seat is between 2 sections of a modular sofa and is very uncomfortable. I have lived with this for 3 years or so, and now am looking for suggestions to get as close to the ESL sound as I can while having wider dispersion. My room is 20'x14' with the speakers positioned on the short wall and out no more than 3 feet. Physical size is not a problem as my wife will happy with anything smaller than the Eroses. The only restriction is that they cannot be out more than 3' from the short wall. Replacing the sofa is not an option (unfortunately).

My current "short list" includes:

Tyler Linbrook Sig System
Silverline Sonata
Dunalvy Canata/Aletha
Reimer Wind River
Von Schweikert VR4 jrs
Hyperion 938s
Usher AC 10/ 8871

Please suggest any other models that I may have overlooked.

All opinions welcome!



Where do you place the room lens? In front of the TV? I don't have any problems (that I know of) with soundstaging or imaging. The imaging is stable and the soundstage is sometimes as wide as my room, extending beyond the speakers on some recordings. My problem is the size of the sweet spot.

If a room lens increases the size of the sweet spot, perhaps I should purchase one (or 2) and then really take my in finding a pair of dynamic speakers. Would you recommend one on the speaker plane, and another behind the the listening position?

I really like my ESL300 also, and combined with my modified CJ PV14L they really make the Eroses sing!

Thanks for your help.
Yeah I'd like to know more about your room lens placement, if thats true I'm getting some for sure. I also have a big screen in between my Eros. With Eros I don't feel it as big a problem with the VR 4Jrs, though I do think the depth of soundfield seems to suffer.

I'm pretty sure you can order up the VR 4Srs at this point, though there may be a short wait for a pair.
Duke -- I replied to your email but it was returned. Perhaps your box is full?? Do you have another account?

Does anyone know about positioning requirements for the VR4 Sr?


The lens sits a few inches in front of the TV (Sony 36XBR). This puts it about 18 inches behind the plane of the speakers. Placement is critical. A 1/4 inch forward or back makes a huge difference, especially in depth. When watching TV I just move it to the side. I haven't tried one behind the listening chair. Lots of info on DIY can be found on the Asylum.