I'm loooking for this system...

I've read quite a bit here and have finally pinned down my needs. Who better to ask where to start than you. I'd appreciate input on building my system. For now I'd like to focus on the speakers and the amp to make sure they work together. My needs are as follows:

• Music is mostly smaller classical, jazz, world (mostly Africa), some rock, acoustic guitar, and electronic and acoustic space music. I guess it would be a good all rounder speaker, but better on the acoustic side than on the rock side.
• Prefer fuss free SS.
• Speakers placed close to the back wall about 7 feet apart.
• Speakers should look nice to the wifey.
• Good enough off axis and good at low volumes.
• Hopefully a low profile speaker
• Prefer warmth to detail
• Prefer musicality to pinpoint soundstaging
• CD only, if that makes a difference
• Room is 24 x 14 x 9. wood floors, stuffed furniture
• Budget for the system is around $12,000, give or take
• Make it a keeper system

I'd like to start with the speakers thus this forum. Any speaker and amp recs appreciated. And thank you!
Is that $12,000 new or used?

How about something from Von Schwiekert? Or if you like the looks, the Maggie 3.6?
Tyler Acoustics, Reimer Acoustics, Magnepan -- driven by Bel Canto electronics.
My first thought was how about the Konus Audio Essence speakers (single Jordan driver in a transmission line cabinet) driven by a 47 Labs Gaincard and either level of the digital combos.

The Essence speakers are low in profile, available with various beatiful wood finishes, and designed to be placed close to back walls.
I believe this system would fit the rest of your criteria as well, in terms of the sound produced.

There are also various off-shoots of these products that can be had for less, but your budget could afford an all new 47 Labs system, let alone buying a piece here or there used. The off-shoot brands include Carolina Audio JTM speakers, Audio Zone amps and dacs, and Scott Nixon amps and dacs. I would tend to look at the 47 Labs stuff first, IMO however.

Here is the US importers website: www.sakurasystems.com
I'll second the VonSchweikert recommendation. The VR2 is a good choice for an unobtrusive floorstander or the VR4jr is even better(check their recent review in (Enjoythemusic.com). All VS speakers are warm, detailed, highly musical with wide sweet-spot and great wife acceptance factor because of their gorgeous finishes. VS speakers, however, do need a good 300-500 hours to reach their potential but they are well worth the wait.
Another good choice of a great speaker with the qualities you seek are the Meadowlark line.
McIntosh again makes some fantastic SS gear - both amps and preamps which have a tube-like richness yet is solid state.

Of course, listening preferences are subjective, but these choices could well stop your audiophilitis upgraded fever for good.