has anyone heard zingali overture 1's? de capo's?

anyone? you think they would match well with a vintage tube amp? i'm also considering decware radial's and reference 3a dulcet or de capo's. the radial's have been getting some remarkable reviews, as do the 3a's. any opinions about these speakers? i am primarily interested in midrange and transparency for 90% classical. ideally i'm searching for a esl57 sound, which i would get, but i simply do not have the floor space. thanks in advance for the input.
If you can afford the difference buy the Zingali 2's. I have heard both the 1.s and 2's and it is not really that close. When I heard the 2's they were driven by an 8 watt high end audio note 300B amp. I know there is pair of both for sell right now.
(I have the Zingali 3S)
The midrange is fantastic, and for a horn speaker, not "colored" as one might expect. They are too polite to "rock" but will fit your need for classical and jazz well. Except for cannon blasts, You will not feel the need for a sub with the Zingali 2's

Sorry, I have not heard the de capos

E mail A'goner randyb, the old Zingali distributor, he has an honest opinion and carries other lines of efficient speakers as well. Might still have some zingali studio monitors for sell at a great price (o.s.s audio--check out the website) would love to hear his new audist line
Good Luck
I agree down the line with Ecclectique. A good friend has the de Capo i, and is driving them with a modern 15 wpc 300B integrated. They sound fabulous, with great tonality, tons of ambience detail and lots of volume. As mentioned they need solid stands and reasonable spacing from the walls (2-3 feet). Adding a sub turns them into a speaker that does full justice to orchestral music, but they do very well without. If you're looking to approach the quality of 57's, they're a great choice.
I owned 57's for nearly 20 years. I've had several speakers since then and currently have the de Capos in my system. I'm quite pleased with them.
I have the Ref 3a MM De Capo's. I chose them over the Dulcets because a friend told me they where a quantuum leap over the dulcets. I have been quite pleased with them. The recommendation of good heavy stands is right on the money, I used Skylan's and until I loaded them with sand the bass was good but now it's wow! I have used then with Audio Note Conqueror 300 B, ASL 1010, 47 labs Shigaraki and now my home system is using Rogue 120 mono blocks in Triode. The speakers perform well with SST but IMO perform better with low watt tube amps.
I've heard the Zingali 1, 2, and 4, and I just have not been able to get into this speaker line. And my preference is for horn speakers in general. They are absolutely gorgeous in appearance, but they sound thin and disparate to my ear. It's like the music is coming in parts, but not well blended as a whole. I too have heard them with the Audio Note 300B SET's, and I wish they did it for me, because looking at them all day would be a treat. I'm sorry, but I don't have experience with your other speaker considerations.