Harbeth owners/ speakers rock ?

Just reading so much good write ups on the Harbeth speaker lines I was wondering if they will work for rock music.
Yep, Epos and also ATC speakers are great with rock music. IMHO, I disagree with JM Labs ear-bleed speakers being good with rock music. At least on the rock music I listen to.
I am breaking in a pair of the Super HL5's. My early sense is that they are quite versatile and are fine for rock. If I listened primarily to rock, I might not choose them, but then I would not have chosen the Quads, Avalons, Spendors, ProAcs, Theils and Ref 3As that have spent time in my systems over the past decades. Well, maybe the Thiels and ProAcs.
Drubin. You got the Super HL5's and haven't told us what you think???? Perhaps it is because you are still breaking them in. Don't leave us in the dark--I have high hopes for you and those puppies.

Relative to the thread: Yeah, Harbeth's rock in their own understaded sort of way. If you want speakers for dance parties I'd look elsewhere.