B&W Signature 800 Vs. the new 800D Diamond

Does anyone here has a chance to listen to the new B&W 800D (Diamond)? How do you like it and how does it compare to the 800 Signature?

The 800 Signature Red Bird Eye goes for about $13K and the new 800D goes for $16K. Which one would you rather take?

Thanks in advance for your advice

"All I can say to your post Washine is that I simply don’t agree with your logic and quite frankly found it contradictory or at least confusing."

What's contradictory or confusing about my logic? I haven't done anything different than what anyone else does when giving an opinion about a piece of audio equipment. The only difference from what most people say on the forums about gear is that they don't usually bother to mention the rest of the gear while evaluating. In contrast, I stated the electronics in which I heard the gear. Not so with magazine reviews, where a condition on review is always a mentioning of cables, electronics etc. and usually a comparison with the speakers that left the chain before the insertion of the review ones. Your argument is that there might have been something amiss besides the speakers since I wasn't hearing the Signatures in direct comparison with the diamonds. Possibly, but I doubt it. Something was wrong in the synergy with the drivers that colored the sound. I gave it a good amount of time. Walked around the speakers several times. Sat through many changes of recordings. I was really hoping that the diamond tweeter would have the kind of clarity I've found with the beryllium tweeters of JM Labs. Not so. I much preferred the JM Labs. And the previous tweeter used in the Signature 800s was already pretty unbelievable. I'm sorry to say I really didn't notice a significance difference. You did. That's what different ears are made of.

Back to the original question: "The 800 Signature Red Bird Eye goes for about $13K and the new 800D goes for $16K. Which one would you rather take?Thanks in advance for your advice"

My original answer: "I heard both at an audio show last december. I didn't like the new 800D's much at all. Very colored. Went into the next room to listen to the Signature 800s with high end Esoteric gear and was completely blown away. I'd take the Signatures in a heartbeat over the new diamonds."

Does anyone really have a problem with my preferring the Signature 800s over the diamond 800s? This is my preference, after all, which was what the person querying was asking about.
Geez Washline, I just don't know how many times I have to repeat myself! Once again, I have no problem if you like the Signatures better. Is that clear enough?

As for how you determined that I disagree with that 100%.

Here is where I find your post contradictory or confusing.

Your posted a quote from me,

"Out of two full and separate systems you heard you are giving the entire credit of their sonic difference(s) to the speakers."

And then you replied,

No. In two full and separate rooms, I preferred one set of speakers over an other and reported that fact to a person trying to make up his mind about both of them.

So you replid no to what I stated then followed it up by saying exactly that.

This whole discussion is longer than need be, I understand you prefer the Signatures, that is fine, I disagree, so be it.
Oh come on Brian what's the problem here?

I just did a test drive of a Porsche 911 Carerra 4. Man oh man it was so impressive with the stock tires. But when I tried it with my grandfather's Buick Regal's tires, it was such a joke. You'd think those german engineers could get it right with their cars! I'm staying with my Volvo Wagon for high performance.
I've seen Dan's setups and can verify he's telling the truth about his speaker evolution. Every time I've visited he's had a new high end system consisting of some pretty exotic and ultra high end equipment.
