Whats your opinion of modern horn loudspeakers?

And has your opinion of horns performance changed ?
I am a huge fan of horn speakers for P.A. work in live performance spaces, movie theaters, bars, dance clubs, etc. They have a dynamic vitality, and the ability to broadcast it into large spaces full of people that I've never heard equalled by any other type of loudspeaker. However, even the best betray the fact that they are horns in a home music reproduction environment. By this I mean that I can readily tell that I'm listening through a horn because it has a sort of shouty, echoey sound, particularly with voices. Some have more, some have less, but all seem to have it to some degree. Therefore, despite their obvious superiority in some respects, I prefer other types of speakers for enjoyment of music in my home.
i am another fan of acapella. not only they use different drivers to their best advantage for most of their models (plasma tweeter + horn midrange + cone bass), their execution is precise, their sound very transparent and coherent to my ears. even their horn-less fidelio monitors have magic.

the avantgarde duo are great, but has bass issues. i have yet to hear the mighty trio.
links to some of my horns http://www.audiocraftersguild.com/Xtreme/xtreme.htm http://steinman.mesls.org/stereo/J%20Kalinoski%20Loudspeakers%20101.jpg