A friend of mine tried Aperions (522's I think) based on research I did for her - seeking very small, cheap, yet attractive and listenable speakers, and is very happy with them. I haven't heard them yet.
Michael Fremer (with all obvious caveats about the HiFi press) wrote, "Whether because of the DiAural crossover or some other aspect of design, the system's biggest plus was its ability to produce a remarkably large, coherent sonic picture. Even in 2-channel mode, this small system's soundstaging abilities were remarkable. When I closed my eyes, I would never have guessed that I was listening to such small boxes....The high-quality Vifa drivers easily handled high power without strain, and the system could play surprisingly loud, filling my large listening room with finely focused music or movie sound. Friends were routinely astonished by the sheer amount of brute force these speakers produced..."
One thing that's great - which sold my friend on them - is that Aperion offers a 100% Money Back (including shipping in BOTH directions) guarantee if you don't like them for any reason.