Decent Bookshelf Speakers ?

Whould anyone care to suggest bookshelf style speakers for a second system? I just don't have the room to place them away from the wall.
I listen to chamber music, choral, sacred, solo.
I whould be using them along the long wall, about 7-8 feet from my seat. The room is about 11 feet wide.
They don't have to be tiny, up to 18" is fine.
They don't have to be cheap, but I don't mind a bargain, new or used.
Electronics are a 75w NAD receiver and a Harman Kardon CDP.

The main issue is they must fit on my bookshelf.
About a month ago I was in your exact position. I was setting up a bedroom system with dimensions very similar to yours. Like you, I am using a nad 7175pe 75w receiver with a basic Integra cd player. I found a used pair of Dynaudio Audience 42's on Audiogon for a very reasonable price. They are rear ported. I too, have to place them clost to a wall. I rolled up a sock and inserted it in each one. They plugs did not come with them. The socks work fine. The 42's still have a rich low end this way. They sound great. I listen mostly to classical and various piano, along with the local public radio.
Tyler Acoustics makes a few bookshelf speakers that are front ported. If you have the extra cash there is the Ultimate Monitor which is a sealed design. You can come down in price to the Escalante designs speakers. Usher Audio makes some fine monitors which have upgrades available if you like to tweak.
Mackies are active studio monitors you may get in some of pro audio stores or for arround $600 per pair.
The only downside is that you have to be more closer to these speakers probably by one more foot.