Decent Bookshelf Speakers ?

Whould anyone care to suggest bookshelf style speakers for a second system? I just don't have the room to place them away from the wall.
I listen to chamber music, choral, sacred, solo.
I whould be using them along the long wall, about 7-8 feet from my seat. The room is about 11 feet wide.
They don't have to be tiny, up to 18" is fine.
They don't have to be cheap, but I don't mind a bargain, new or used.
Electronics are a 75w NAD receiver and a Harman Kardon CDP.

The main issue is they must fit on my bookshelf.
ProAc response 1SC. This is the tried and true mini-monitor with almost cult following for smooth yet detailed presentation of voice, chamber music, jazz combo, etc. in a most natural and uncolored presentation. I have owned both the Reponse 1S and the 1SC, and both were great, althought the SC (my current speakers) provides much better bass response. On the used market, a good pair of these speakers will run about $1K. I love them, although I should point out that these speakers are not perhaps the best choice for presenting with authority a large orchestra.
About a month ago I was in your exact position. I was setting up a bedroom system with dimensions very similar to yours. Like you, I am using a nad 7175pe 75w receiver with a basic Integra cd player. I found a used pair of Dynaudio Audience 42's on Audiogon for a very reasonable price. They are rear ported. I too, have to place them clost to a wall. I rolled up a sock and inserted it in each one. They plugs did not come with them. The socks work fine. The 42's still have a rich low end this way. They sound great. I listen mostly to classical and various piano, along with the local public radio.
Tyler Acoustics makes a few bookshelf speakers that are front ported. If you have the extra cash there is the Ultimate Monitor which is a sealed design. You can come down in price to the Escalante designs speakers. Usher Audio makes some fine monitors which have upgrades available if you like to tweak.