Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.
"What's the chances of Diana Krall and Bloodbath joining forces and making a record?"

That's hilarious!

Funny thing is, as diverse as my musical tastes are, I'd probably buy it!
This CD was released back in sept/oct 2003 so perhaps not so new to many here, however, I only came upon it last week - Joshua Bell's "Romance of the Violin".

PS: I also liked Jond and Tracer's picks above, just based on clips at amazon.
Any Loreena McKennitt or Lisa Gerrard fans out there? You really owe it to yourself to give a listen to Vas and or Azam Ali's 'solo' efforts. Wonderful stuff...
Gordus - If you like Lisa Gerrard, I'd bet you'd also like some of the Early Music recordings of Jordi Savall and his wife, Montserrat Figueras, who also has a remarkable soprano voice. I'd highly recommend their recording on AllaVox titled, "El Cant de la Sibil-La" (Alla Vox AV9806). Just gorgeous! Been on frequent rotation in my systems lately.


the whole album is consistent straight ahead rock

very nice, buy it you'll like it

I was skeptical