Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.
I recently purchased Harry Belafonte Live At Carnagie Hall 8 box lp set 45 RPM.All I can say is WOW what a sound.So clean and transparent just like you are at the hall with a free ticket.
Thanks to the music encyclopedia, duanegoosen:
Kraan - "Live in 1974"
This CD is amazing! It has been remastered. Mostly instrumental. Think a mix of Golden Earring + early Genesis + Thin Lizzy + Rush + Primus, yet with an accessibility that would put a smile on the face of even those who don't care for those bands. A weave of melodic virtuosity, minus any wank factor.

Michael Brook - "Cobalt Blue" - I'm shocked that this guy is not the reference for most audiophiles. He's worked with Eno & Daniel Lanois, and he's on the 4AD label, so you can extrapolate from there. Or just buy it. It's superb.
Steve Kimock - Eudemonic

Always thought of him as a Jerry Wannabe, this release is wonderful. Several songs that remind me of Harvey Mandel during his "Baby Batter" period. Entire release is good, well recorded and a joy to listen to.
Duane Andrews, and Django Reinhardt.
I was in Nova Scotia this summer, and while in Halifax the annual Jazz East jazz festival was playing. I caught one night only which opened up with Duane Andrews. He's a Django Reinhardt follower, and his playing was mezmerizing. I bought his CD (he only has one out) and it's been in regular rotation since.
Since I enjoy his music so much I decided to check out his primary influence - Django, with whom I was previously unfamiliar. I bought the box set "Django in Rome" and it's great - 4 CD's, over 4 hours of live music, though it has the 40's era recording tone - kind of "tinny" sounding.
If anyone is aware of good (ie at least near-audiophile) recording quality offerings from Django, I'd appreciate a recommendation.
If interested in hearing samples of Duane Andrews - he has a web site: As far as I know, the only way to get his cd is at one of his shows, or from his web site. If you do the latter, don't be surprised if it taks a long time to arrive. Mine took over 4 weeks. I think the distribution firm he uses is small, unless they had to print up more copies.
Sonny Landreth - "Levee Town." Just got it. it's kind of eerie after Katrina. Great Zydeco Blues slide guitar and good recording too. Strong set of songs, no dogs! It's a few years old, anyone heard his newest release?