Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?

I have an Ayre CD player, BADA Alpha DAC, deHavilland Mercury pre-amp, CJ MF-2500A amp and N802 - am looking to upgrade amp.
Would like to hear views on Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution.
Not married to tube or SS..
Always wonder about Stereophile recommended components such as Aesthetix Atlas, Parasound JC-1, CJ LP-125 and the likes. I would pay about $5k on Agon so there are some limitations.
What I find wrong is that fact he is taking over every thread by repeating the same thing over and over again
Nvp, this is true with several members but they do have to right to speak.

Suggest to Agon for an IGNORE button. LOL!!!
@Bo1972 : Usher audio are not expensive? Probably as cheap as Monitor audio.
A pair of V-602 for example is around 900$ and it outperformed many speakers up to 2000$. I heard the entry level of Monitor audio and, even if you care about 3D image (i didn't notice that quality anyway), the rest of the speaker is pretty poor on timbres, bandwidth, balance... I'm quite sure a 390$ Usher audio S-520 outperform it no matter what, even on low register...
Hi Paraneer,
Every opinion expressed on an open forum such as this one is subjective
and based on each participant's listening experiences. I just assumed this
was a given and all comments are taken with a grain (or two) of salt.
There's nothing out of order with Bo1972 giving his view of B&W speakers
or any product. We're free to disagree and offer counter opinions. The
crossovers of those speakers could be crap to one person and considered
state of the art by someone else, pure and expected subjectivity. Why would
people be so offended and insulted with that? If you're happy with
something why be upset if others are critical of it? Bo1972 adores Pass Lab

amplifiers. I know people who don't care for them very much, Im sure that
wouldn't cause Bo to alter his opinion of those amps. Every single brand or
component has its group of fans and critics.
Beware of urges to censor, especially on such trivial yet controversial topics as "high end audio". It usually hurts more than helps.
I played for over 8 years with the best B&W speakers. I had a lot of fun with them in those years. But because I can test and hear so many different things you understand what is missing. I talk a lot about 3d sound. The main reason is that this is the most convincing part in highend audio. Wenn I would have gone further with the 800D I would have to accept the less deep and wide stage. Wenn you are aware of what it does with your music wenn it is played in 3D. It is difficult to go back. B&W still makes nice speakers, but I have grown in the search to the absolute sound. Here depth and wide is a pre. One thing about Pass Labs. Nothing is perfect, the same about Pass labs. It gives a deep and wide stage, but the indivividual focus within this big square is not that sharp. And instruments and voices are too big in proportion. I am very critical in everything I Judge. This is also about the things I own. I played for over 12 years with the Valhalla loudspeakercable. But I was aware that it was incomplete. So you look for cables and sources to solve this. Wenn you are a perfectionist like I am you only want the best. This level I want to achieve for my clients as well. Another example; Naim is a very popular brand. There amps do not give a deep and wide stage. But there are many people who like the sound and drive it gives. It is only my opinion that a 3-dimensional stage is more exiting to listen at. That does not mean that other people are not allowed to focus on a 2-dimensional sound with a nice sound and drive. I like many Audioquest cables and I sell it a lot. But there powercables I find not good enough. I am Always looking for the best things for the money. My focus is on quality. I can easily switch to another brand if this is better. For me it is that simple!