Tubes vs Solid State - Imaging, Soundstaging, 3D

I have limited experience with tubes having had a couple tube amps with Gold Lion KT88s and EL34s. The majority of amps I have owned have been solid state. In my experience, SS always seems to image more sharply and offer the deepest, clearest field.

Is this common?
****A rebel? Perhaps.A businessman first and foremost.****

You know, I just don't get why some people feel the need to get one of their useless little barbs in. Here we have a guy (Ralph) with the knowledge and talent to bring something meaningful to the discussion, and who is willing to take the time to help those of us who are only capable of scratching the surface of a complicated subject, and instead of showing some appreciation, cynicism has to be thrown in. I have no relation to Atmasphere and don't own any of their products, but I am grateful for his contributions to these dicussions. His comments make a lot of sense to me. Obviously, we dont always have to agree with any one person's viewpoint; but, when a guy is capable of designing equipment which consistently gets great reviews and commentary that focuses on how all of the "mumbo jumbo" actually relates to MUSIC and things other than the usual lame numbers game, I for one, am going to listen. If I misconstrued the comment, my apology. OK, I feel better now.
+1 Frogman.
Another observation with cynical replies like Wc65 mustang's, there's hardly any meaningful followup or contribution . Just an opportunity to get in a smarmy remark that's supposedly witty (but isn't). If there's more to say, lets hear it. I don't always agree with Ralph (or anyone) but I certainly respect his knowledge and contributions.
It's not always clear on this site who is in "the business" or not, so I have no problems with that being pointed out.

In the case of Atmasphere, it would be silly to question his credentials, and he obviously knows what he is doing.

He is in "the business" though nonetheless and selling products as are many others here so that is always worth knowing along with all the other good information that he and others share for free here. It all just goes with the turf I would say. Comments/opinions should not be censored. Anyone should be free to disagree with anyone at anytime. I would say though that it should also be done in a civilized and respectful manner though. A sense of humor doesn't hurt either. Home audio is not life or death, just fun, business, whatever. Everyone just play nice and we should all be fine.

At least that's how I look at it...
We all have objective viewpoints we're not revealing here. If we struck the word 'is' from the English language and from our memories, we'd have to revive Latin as our universal language. Imagine the length of the posts:)
Re: A rebel? Perhaps. A businessman first and foremost.

I hope I never become so ravaged by this hobby that I am openly hostile for the sake of attention as this poster. It looks like pasture time...