SS Pre-amps that can beat an Audio Research sp16

What SS pre-amps are out there that can be considered a serious contender to replace or upgrade from an ARC sp-16.

I've had the sp16 for a few years now and like it very much. But I still have it in the back of my head that I would prefer to go all SS if possible to eliminate any tube noise issues/concerns which come up on occasion, and perhaps to enable greater frequency bandwidth, which I suspect is possible.

I am looking mainly for detail, wide bandwidth, tonal neutrality, soundstage and imaging.

Here are my leading contenders I have identified to date. I am open to feedback on these or others.

1) Benchmark (integrated preamp/DAC)
2) Bel Canto (pre-amp only or integrated with DAC)
3) McCormick
4) Others?

Thanks in advance for your input.
I have heard some Krell integrateds in recent years that did a lot of what I am looking for very well and that is another option I forgot to mention that I have considered. Krell pre-amp that is , not integrated.

Not certain but I think frequency bandwidth is the main thing that a good SS pre-amp might be able to best the ARC in. THat an dnoise levels, but noise levels have not been a big issue with the ARC either, though I have had to replace tubes a couple time over the years to keep things that way, espeically the #1 tube in the phono stage.

I do not use the phono stage that much these days yet the 3 pho stage tubes are in play whenever I use the ARC, shortening their life.

At this stage, I'm just thinking that I might be better served over the long term by a good SS pre-amp with no phono and adding a separate phono stage (maybe tube) that is only on when I use it.

Bel Canto seems like a logical choice to do what I want and also to match to the amps well being from same company.

Newer Benchmark interests me as well as a potential giant killer. I'd really like to try that.

IF I went with a pre/DAC combo, that would probably free up one of my two current mhdt DACS as well, either the SS Constantine that I prefer overall or the tube based Paradisea which is also a very good performer with the right tube in it. I might sell one of those to help finance the deal.

The NAD is one of those devices just too versatile to ever get rid off. I'd keep that as a spare again for sure if a new pre-amp were to find its way into my house. I picked it up in a pawn shop on the cheap 25 years ago and it has managed to stick around ever since as a bench player/substitute amp/tuner/pre-amp that I can always call on if needed.
Thanks Cz. Will take a look.

Anyone who has heard sp16 and can compare the sound to any specific SS pre-amp, I'm interested in what you might have heard..
10-29-13: Mapman
Not certain but I think frequency bandwidth is the main thing that a good SS pre-amp might be able to best the ARC in. THat an dnoise levels, but noise levels have not been a big issue with the ARC either, though I have had to replace tubes a couple time over the years to keep things that way, espeically the #1 tube in the phono stage.

I do not use the phono stage that much these days yet the 3 pho stage tubes are in play whenever I use the ARC, shortening their life.

At this stage, I'm just thinking that I might be better served over the long term by a good SS pre-amp with no phono and adding a separate phono stage (maybe tube) that is only on when I use it.
Hi Mapman,

I have no specific preamp suggestions to offer (some good ones appear to have been made by the others already), but I would offer the following thoughts:

1)Regarding high frequency bandwidth, by far a greater limiting factor than the preamp appears to be your amplifier. The 3db bandwidth of the SP16's line section is specified to exceed a range of 0.5 Hz to 100 kHz, while as shown in JA's measurements the upper 3db frequency of the amp is in the area of only 25 to 40 kHz, depending on the impedance of the speakers at high frequencies. And into 4 ohms, significant (~1db) rolloff occurs at about 20 kHz.

2)JA's measurements of the amplifier's intermodulation distortion performance are suggestive of the possibility that using it in conjunction with a preamp having very wide bandwidth might even be audibly counter-productive.

3)If you want to ultimately consider a tube-based phono stage, FWIW if I were considering a phono stage upgrade now, based on many comments I have read number 1 on my list of candidates would be the Herron VTPH-2, at $3,650.

Best regards,
-- Al
Never heard the sp16 but did own the Bel Canto Pre3 as well as a few other ss preamps. IMO the pre3 provides absolute neutrality. The volume goes up and down smoothly with not a hint of coloration no matter the setting.
If separates were in my future, for the money, the pre3 would be the preamp.