The future of preamps

I still use one, but I wonder if their days are numbered. To those who have removed the preamp from their system, have there been any regrets? Anyone gone back to using a preamp after having removed it?
I am not certain what you imply by "tube magic" what attracts me to tube component is their musical honestly and thus a more natural and realistic sound. There are some tube components that seem to add a false warmth coloration and those types have never interested me. I don't care for most SS components as they tend to wash out the natural tone, body, bloom and vibrancy that exists in live music. The Atma-Sphere preamp along with the top echelon tube units just gets closer to the truth with less editorializing.

I don't know if this applies to you or not,but what many peopl here refer to as "neutral" SS sound is sterile, lifeless and artificial to me. YMMV is understood.
Charlesdad +1 - Well stated. I look for the same thing in my gear - so far tubes give it the best. Well, at least in my experience.
You have a VAC Renaissance amplifier? I've always thought highly of those push pull 300b designs. You prefer the Atma-Sphere amplifier instead? Different flavors for sure, I can understand the appeal of either depending on a given system's desired character.
Charles- I do have a Vac Ren 30/30 now (as well as a couple of others). I sold the M-60s for I know not what reason and since I have more than 1 amp here, I do believe that I should have kept them as well as my VAC. The VAC needs a repair now, it has a hummmmm that I cannot get rid of, which was not there before it slipped when I was trying to replace it in my rack, and a lot of weight landed on the feedback selector. The Vac is going to have to go into the shop and I have a pair of Coincident MP300bs coming to try out w a pair of one-off OB speakers w Feastrex field coil single drivers (w powered subs) that are also on their way here.
Audiolabyrinth, LOL! If you're considering a tube pre in this price range, also checkout VAC SigMKIIa. LOL! It's only takes 2 e88cc/6922/7308 so easy to roll, very sensitive to tube rolling so you can dial in the sound you desire LOL! LOL!, it can drive any amp you will ever consider LOL! and it sounds excellent! LOL! LOL! LOL!

There's also a pair of 12au7s that's only for tape and SHOULD NOT effect line stage according to Kevin but it does to my ears. LOL! LOL! So you might or might not have to roll the 12au7s. LOL!