What was your first 'hi-end' system?

Late 1980's-

Magnepan SMGa
Adcom GFA-545
Adcom GTP-500II
Thorens TD-166 Mk. IV
Shure V15 Type 5 MR
Technics CD player, model unknown

Within 3 years that morphed into the following

Magnepan MG2.6R
Bryston 4B
Bryston .5B
Rega Planar 3
Linn K9
Cal Icon

Kenwood LO7C, Gas Grandson of Ampzilla, Kenwood, KD600 table with Audio Technica arm, Technics SB7070.
I've had worst since....
Denon PMA 720, bought new in 1990 from Purdue Audio in Montclair, NJ, some kind of really (in it's day) heavy and expensive Kenwood CD player, and Advent Heritage speakers. I still have the amplifier. It's had some switches replaced, but otherwise it's been bullet proof and is still doing daily duty in my bedroom. Occasionally when something is out for repair I'll stick it in my main system and I'm always amazed at how good this 24 year old, $350 amp sounds.
Noromance...you're bringing back nightmares. Cassette decks and Dolby noise reduction...such despicable devices.
Wow, where do we draw the line? My first really "high-end" maybe was a McIntosh 5100 integrated amp and a pair of the original Bose 901 speakers. AR and Dual 1219 turntables, with Shure V15 and Stanton 681EE cartridegs, and a Sony 355 reel to reel tape deck. That system morphed quickly starting with McIntosh 2100 and C26, then second Mac 2100, then Thorens TD-125 with SME arm, an assortment of Shure, Stanton, and Ortofon cartridges. The Bose speakers were replaced with Bozak Concert Grands and I was off the deep end. All this "high end" thing started in 1970 for me. In the ensuing years a lot of stuff has come and gone.
Harman Kardon 330C receiver
Dual turntable of some type
No idea as to cartridge (likely Grado) or cabling
Large Advent speakers