Not impressed

Just getting sick of the Hi Fi Merry Go Around...getting ready to throw in throw in the towel. Price to performance ratio is not all that rewarding. Sucks not being able to Audition before I buy....find a a nice amp.......good luck finding a preamp to match......on and on
I was surprised to see this many responses to a post I had started after a few beers lol.
My system
Schit Bitfrost Dac
Exposure 2010S2
Into Job 225 or Exposure 3010s2 stereo amp
Focus 110
The Exposure 2010s2 provides the most texture and prat as a stand alone. When ran as a preamp into the Job 225 I get really good results but a little less thickness and snap in the upper to midrange.
Ran into the 3010s2 amp the combo gives a warm sound with huge soundstage but actually losses a lot of prat.
Maybe I should look at naim
Maybe I should look at naim

And you're right back on that merry go round!!!
Bo is as full of, or more full of, the hot air and fiction as most of the manufacturers and reviewers who are unwittingly sabotaging the industry.

High end has become home to plenty of weirdos and fakers for sure, all looking for your $$$$.
I'm guessing Chayro's Bo shout-out was tongue-in-cheek (as opposed to head up ass).
Dj, I feel your pain. I am an average middle income consumer with a love
for music as well as the hifi sound. I guess I could say that I have been in
the hobby since the 70s but really got into the "high end hifi" in
the late 80s. Back in the day, stereo shops were as prolific as Pharmacy
Stores are today. Now, if you do not live near a major metropolitan area,
good luck auditioning audio equipment. And as you said, the prices these
days are breathtaking. The elite equipment was never cheap. I agonized
for months back when I bought my turntable, tonearm and cartridge.
Same with my preamp and especially my amp. Those were major
purchases for me. Not every purchase over the years had a happy
conclusion which resulted in the hassle of selling and then buying again. I
don't consider myself an equipment junkie. Once I find what I like I stick
with it unless I hear something so much superior that it prompts me to let
go some cash. I'm on my 3rd pair of speakers since the late 80s. The
newest piece in my system is my CD Player and it goes back to 2007.

I consider myself fortunate to be very satisfied with my system. I have
heard a few systems with the latest and greatest gear. I heard one ref
system a couple of times totaling just over $100k even. Maybe my ears
have reached their limit. I liked what I heard but it was maybe 10% better
than my system. I had no problem going home and listening to my system
afterwards and I found things about my system that I liked better. It
prompted no desire at all in me to upgrade.

I believe it is possible to build a very respectable system with vintage gear
on a budget. It will be both frustrating and rewarding. When I hear people
rave about the new MKII preamp, amp, etc that just replaced the MKI
version that was new two years ago- I'm just not buying it. I have a 23 year
old preamp, which I have had factory refurbished once, that rocks. My 15
year old amp still rocks. When I read how the x.5 version makes the x
version sound broken, well I don't think so. It might do this a little better or
that a little better and if I brought one home I'm sure that I would hear it; but
for $7k+ to upgrade? Can't do it.

People will hear my system and get excited and want to know what they
can buy to get started. Well, first just stating that a nice starter system can
be had in the $6k range causes surprise and I see the enthusiasm in their
eyes quickly fade. Also, I don't even know where to start if I were to build a
basic system from scratch. I have been in the high clouds of hifi for too
many years. Most people do not want to take the time to build a hifi. They
want to buy it, plug it in and play it. Very few have the resources and
patience to hire a designer to build them a custom high end hifi.

I think it would be great if someone knowledgeable put together some
recipes for great vintage hifi systems. Then pull up a recipe that looks to fit
your needs and start shopping on the 'gon, eBay or Craigslist.

The other way to do it is to start with vintage Stereophile magazines going
all the way back to the 80s and look up the Class A, B and C gear
recommendations. Then shop for it on the 'gon.