Reviewing the Reviewers - and the decline of HiFi

I know that Arthur Salvatore has an ongoing tirade with Michael Fremer, and whilst I don't wholly share his views so far as Fremer is concerned, I support the sentiment that reviewers themselves ought to be themselves reviewed.
I say this after having read another 6Moons review that basically says that the item they have reviewed is the best thing since sliced bread. With the exception of HiFi news - and that was about 7 years ago, and HiFi Critic (which is regrettably not distributed very widely as yet)- none of the magazines ever criticize products.
This may well explain why the industry is in such decline. Let's face it in the United States Breitling made more than the whole of the US HiFi industry put together! Think I am mad? Well think on this cars sell, and continue to sell well. New cars are by and large a luxury, because we can recycle old cars, but we convince ourselves on their necessity. Car reviewers are unfettered by the need to give wet reviews. The buying customers are therefore not forced to listen through the BS of a review to get some real and genuine information.
Manufacturers also have to wake up and not be so hypersensitive of any genuine comparative criticism - it leads to product improvement. The reviewing industry should get out of the habit of expecting 5 star reviews when they lend equipment to magazines for 'extended periods'. let's face it - most people see hifi and music as coming out of white ear buds, computers, and mobile phones.
Tubegroover,Jond and Nonoise, nice points and well said.This knee jerk everything is corrupt or some corporate conspiracy is lame.Too much NPR and NY Times type pablum.I`m glad there`s a High End market available and I can choose to buy and spend what I want with my money.How long before this choice is regulated and taken away?
That's a great response Charles1dad. Knee jerk conspiracies are lame, but somehow the NYT and NPR are behind them and free choice is about to be taken away. You've said it all!
The HiFi industry is in decline and HiFi reviewers are always positive. I would'nt argue with either statement, it does'nt mean the one follows the other.

I read some of the magazines, particularly HiFi+, because it is at least literate and an interesting. I agree with Charyo though, anyone buying kit on the basis of a magazine review, needs there heads examining and by the way, I have a great investment opportunity, building a railway through the Amazon jungle, just send me a PM. I read some of the magazines because I am interested in HiFi and it keeps me abreast of what new kit and technologies are becoming available, nothing more. I think that is true of 99.9% of other Stereophile/ Absolute sounds, etc, readers. I do'nt feel I need protecting from my own gullibility.
I agree there is a lot to be desired with the quality of reporting nowadays but the biggest threat is what passes for journalism and is simply propaganda. If you were to check the W-2s of most of the loud mouths out there you'd find "entertainer" as the most common occupation, not journalist. They are just highly paid cheerleaders and propagandist (which is still illegal but never enforced) . Great journalism is out there, in abundance. One just has to read and critically assess.

All rely on corporate handouts as well as advertising revenue and public donations. They're all prisoners to those whose interests are not the same as yours.

That's not to say that the entirety of their output is compromised: far from it. They're just reminded now and then as to just how far they can go before a story is quashed. You can find some great reporting along with the usual pablum from the VSPs (Very Serious People) who haven't a clue as to what is the matter but pontificate like a deranged pastor.

All the best,
Well said Nonoise! You took the words out of my mouth if I had the words to say what you so simply and eloquenty did.