More Tubes = Better Sound

I am wondering if anyone has thoughts on the sound quality of using more tubes to get the same power as an amp that uses less tubes? I had a pair of VTL MB 750 and they had 12 tubes for the output. I am looking at an ARC ref 600, however, it is 250 watts less and uses almost 3 times as many tubes as the VTL MB 750's. does anyone know the logic here? I am thinking of passing up on the 609's due to the expense if the tubes, but is there an advantage to using so many tubes?
@ Rcprince, Hi, That is odd that you have that opinion, My opinion is my New rebuilt, Everything 2014 as opposed to what was available in 2005 new inside and out Krell 700cx has a way better sound than the Krell FPB 200 I had many years ago.
I agree with your general premise. Assuming equal quality of built and implementation I'd take the lower power amplifier with fewer parts, less circuitry and devices. I do believe that they will most often sound better with an appropriate speaker match. There will always be division on this topic.
If you are going to have multiple power tubes, it is best to have a lot, assuming there is a mechanism to allow for current sharing among them.

The bigger problem in dealing with high powered tube amps is actually the output transformer, but that is a story for another thread.
More is usually better if done right. Big if though. ALso more means more expensive. The value proposition may or may not be there case by case.

IT mostly boils down to how much of a tube lover one is. There are many ways to skin the good sound quality cat. Tubes are one way but one that only a small minority of listeners today prefer.
Hi Audiolabyrinth. I was referring to amps from the same vintage, with the same basic circuitry. For example, the Jadis JA30 vs. the JA80 vs. the JA500, or the original Krell KSA50 vs the KSA 100, and the KSA 80 vs. the KSA 200. Subjective observations, of course. You're comparing amps from different generations.

Atmasphere's answer is interesting to me, as he is an excellent designer of some very fine amplifiers of different power ratings. Ralph, what are the advantages to having a lot of tubes, assuming that you have very efficient and sensitive speakers (the OP has some very efficient Klipsch speakers)?