If anything, the move to tube amps in the last 30-40 years has been for the things that tubes do that are difficult or impossible for transistor amps. I don't see audiophiles that are into tubes doing it for any other reason then they want to get as close to the musical experience as possible.
I really don't think you have to know anything about tubes, how tube amps work or why people use them. All you really have to know to understand that they work really well for music, is that over half a century after they were declared obsolete, they are still around- and we still play them and even the tubes/transistor debate is older than many audiophiles! IOW the economics tells the story!
I really don't think you have to know anything about tubes, how tube amps work or why people use them. All you really have to know to understand that they work really well for music, is that over half a century after they were declared obsolete, they are still around- and we still play them and even the tubes/transistor debate is older than many audiophiles! IOW the economics tells the story!