subwoofer suggestions

Looking for sub with balance between tuneful bass for music and deep bass for movies to be 0.1 part of Monitor Audio Apex 5.1 speaker system. Front speakers go down into low 50Hz while rears go down to mid 60s. Room is 8' high x 18' wide x 12' deep, is reasonably well treated, but size will limit the longest waves. While there is no point in overloading room with a giant box and driver, pressure and speed with good tone are all desirable assets. Upper budget is about $1500, but I will consider more budget conscious options.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions,

Ag insider logo xs@2xknownothing
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I was wondering if you've considered your need for remote volume control?
I've been window shopping for subs and would not consider buying one that doesn't offer remote volume control.
Thanks Bob, I am actually running Apex 40's for the front left and right and center, and Apex 10's for the rears. Your comments are still valid as none of the Apex speakers can be considered "large". The Klipsch is pretty fast, so the idea was to set the crossover for the small rear sub higher and run with both high level inputs (to supplement surround channel signals) and LFE inputs to help handle the lowest effects overall. Got this idea from a REL vender, but may scrap the approach based on input here. My receiver is an Arcam AVR 400, not even set up yet so I have some thinking to do about bass management from that end.

Thanks again,


Which 8" Klipsch sub are you using? If it is the XW-300d, that is a very musical little sub. The only other 8" Klipsch sub I can think of is the RW-8 which I had for a little while and I thought it was junk. Very little output and then just stopped working after I sold it to a coworker. Yes, I did the right thing and took it back.
