Room Treatment Surprise

I have really lousy dimensions for my listening room ... 10x10x8. I use B&W N804s and recently added a subwoofer. Then, I got the bright idea to treat the room with corner bass traps and a few other items from GIK Acoustics. This has proved to be a huge upgrade, probably better than at new component. I find that I no longer need to use the subwoofer unless the recording is bad sonically, in which case a little overall boost is necessary. Has anyone else experienced this type of thing?
Most everyone who has tried room acoustic treatments has experienced it. They are essential, if you have a room where they can be hung properly.
Like many, I have debated if I should add room treatment...after many years I decided to begin with 242s. I ordered six to treat the first reflection points. I installed two on each side at the first reflection points and two on the ceiling. Nice improvement, not night and day, but more clarity all around,a wider soundstage, and slightly more space between instruments. For the cost, I highly encourage everyone on the fence, just do it! In all my years of buying and selling equipment, this is one of the best results ever. Today I ordered tri traps for the front corners.
Yep I have 4 tri - traps for the open front corners
(2 on each side, floor to ceiling), a Monster
Trap behind the listening chair, and a couple
of spot panels to hit reflection points. I
think the treatments have done such a good job
that the subwoofer is only necessary for
recordings that are not sonically up to snuff.
I really never expected this kind of
improvement. It saved me from having to spend
big bucks to change out the speakers.