Sub-woofer fast enough for Horns?

I wonder if anyone has tried matching a sub-woofer which has the speed to match with Horn Speakers? I tried Rel-Storm but not good enough!
The two primary researchers in the field of multiple subs are Todd Welti of Harmon International, and Earl Geddes of GedLee, LLC. Briefly, Welti investigated symmetrical configurations while Geddes advocates asymmetrical configurations.

Todd Welti on multiple subs, in layman's terms:

Earl Geddes on multiple subs (you may have to cut and paste this to a new browser window):

And a well-written blog article on the subject (author uses Geddes' approach):


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Why not use a sub bass or bass horn? Wee little cubes with over taxed transducers and poor transients are why your not getting a good match if running horns use horns.
In my experience with Lowthers, Voice of the Theaters, Klipchhorns, Acapellas, Avantgardes, and Beauhorns, no there are none fast enough.

The same is true at the other end. Only the Muratas super tweeters with nothing below 15k Hz works with horns or for that matter any speaker, and they aren't made any more.