Best speaker that Proac ever made

What do you believe to be the best speaker that Proac ever made ? Stand mount and tower versions. Not limited to the reference series or any other speaker series that Proac made.
My personal favorite is the response 3. That also is limited to what I have heard. I use 3's at home, and have no intention of ever selling them. I'd love to have the funds to try the 4 or 5's.
With the proper stands and a outboard sub, the 1SC, especially if you have a small room.
Grinnell, I also heard the Response D40R with a Grommes phi26. It is a great sounding combination.

I currently have a pair of Response 2.5 with Quicksilver V4 amps and it is a very good combination in my room.

I have had a number of Proac speakers, booth stand and floor, and my current combination sounds the best to me.
"I currently have a pair of Response 2.5 with Quicksilver V4 amps and it is a very good combination in my room."

That's the best amp(s) I've ever heard with the 2.5's. Its an incredible combo. I had a VT-100, also a great match but not as good as the Quicksilver.