Best speaker that Proac ever made

What do you believe to be the best speaker that Proac ever made ? Stand mount and tower versions. Not limited to the reference series or any other speaker series that Proac made.
Grinnell, I also heard the Response D40R with a Grommes phi26. It is a great sounding combination.

I currently have a pair of Response 2.5 with Quicksilver V4 amps and it is a very good combination in my room.

I have had a number of Proac speakers, booth stand and floor, and my current combination sounds the best to me.
"I currently have a pair of Response 2.5 with Quicksilver V4 amps and it is a very good combination in my room."

That's the best amp(s) I've ever heard with the 2.5's. Its an incredible combo. I had a VT-100, also a great match but not as good as the Quicksilver.
Thanks Zd542. It took a long time to finally get a amp/speaker combination that I am satisfied with. Currently using Gold Lion KT-77 tubes in the Quicksilver V-4

was it at Arizona HiFi? It was the reason i bought and waited 6 months for the Grommes