Advice on monitor/bookshelves under $2,000

OK - I'm not an audiophile but have been cherishing music since the 70's. I live in the middle of nowhere in northern Michigan and can't drive great distances to audition anything. I'm searching for used monitors or bookshelves under $2,000. I'm more than willing to accept something 5-10 years old so that I can get a better value for my buck (someone else has already paid for the depreciation). Of the many, many speakers I've owned in the past my favorites were Alon IVs and JBL 4311s.

The speakers will be used as part of a 5.1 surround consisting of a Marantz SR-18 receiver, Carver Sunfire Junior sub, a center to be purchased in the future to match the mains, and Klipsch surrounds. I mostly listen to 5.1 concert DVDs - my favorites including Eric Clapton, Sting, Sade and Chris Botti. On the other hand, I occasionally listen to stuff like AC/DC or Insane Clown Posse. And lots of benefit concert stuff with multiple artists of different musical types.

My room is about 15' X 20' with 8' of open space leading into a dining room (to the left of the speakers). Carpeted floors and an L-shaped big sectional.

I've recently purchased B&W VM1s and B&W DM 605 S2s. I'm disappointed in both. The VM1s didn't produce enough of anything, the 605s - even after playing with the settings - sounded "boomy" to me.

Doing research online, I seem to be leaning towards another pair of Alons/Nolas, Dynaudio, Revels and Proacs. Please - don't grump at me for anything I've overlooked since I'm trying my very best. ANY suggestions are sincerely appreciated! THANKS! -Bob
I have really enjoyed Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand monitors that I have owned for 6 yrs now. You find it used for $600 now ($2000 new).
I have liked Sonus Faber Cremona M, but have not owned them, but they do well with the music you like also. Should be able to find them used for around $2000 too. Harbeth monitors might be also something you should look at.
Your speakers will only sound as good as the rest of your system, so you might want to also look at your amps/source if you do not like the sound you are getting now. My Haydn's kept improving as I upgraded the electronics behind them over the last 6 yrs.
For monitor/bookshelves in the sub $2000 range I would not hesitate to recommend the B&W 805N. This is a magic speaker. I had the 605 S2 and there is no correlation at all. 805N do so much right it is unbelievable. Their current model, the 805D at $5k is (in my opinion and many others) not at the same level. They hold their value, selling for $1500-$2k consistently.
Personally if I were you I would look for a better amp. I'm not surprised you didn't like the B&W with that amp. No matter how good of speaker you get it won't produce magic driven by a mid grade surround receiver. I'm not a theatre guy but if there is a way to get two good channels for music and leave the others for theatre I think this is what you should do. The best bang for the buck is going to be a two channel integrated. Creek Destiny, sim audio i5.3, krell s-300i or other highly rated integrated amps around the 1200-2000 used range are all great sounding and would be such a better base for your system if making two channel music sound good is your priority. Creek destiny and revel M20 sounds great, sim audio i5.3 and dynaudio audience 50 sounds great, krell s-300i and Von schweikert vr1 sound great. All these combos could be had for your budget you are proposing. I've owned or own all these combos as well as many lower priced type receivers and integrated amps and at this point I firmly believe that without a great amp you won't get that good of sound. You could also consider an all in one system like the dynaudio xeo. I have those too and they sound great as well.
I would concur....B&W doesn't get magical unit one gets the exposed tweeter on top...705/805,ect....Revel M 20 are a great buy used...often 600-700 range...and can compete with many costlier monitors...good luck
Daber Monitor 3 speakers. Have a pair myself love them. A fellow has them up for sale on Sometimes appear here as well. Great sound, well made.