Vandy or Maggy?

What would sound better in a medium sized room with Symphonic
Music, current model Vandy 2's or Maggy 1,7's?
I have a AVA Synergy 450 Amp which has tuneful base and can drive either well.
I've owned Maggy 1.4's , my knock on them was they were not very dynamic and didn't portray depth well, but it was easy to follow the various lines and instruments.
I've heard Vandys but not much and was a long time ago.
Any and all ideas much appreciated !
A buddy just got a pair of Vandy 2ci....and if anyone thinks Maggies are tough to position, mess with these. Just look at the manual and see what all they require. Besides, my Maggies blow them out of the water.
Wait just a minute, Schubert. Does this mean that you are selling -- or have already sold -- your beloved Silverline Preludes? I've been following your comments about them for some time -- to the point where I've considered them as a prime candidate for my next set of speakers. Say it ain't so.
-- Howard
I think you've hit on something that keeps me from buying Maggies as well. While I appreciated all the things the speakers were doing right (I heard 3.6s by the way), the thing that was notably missing for me was something I'd call, for lack of a better term, dynamic thrust or the ability to "feel" as well as hear individual sounds. My guess is that dynamic speakers focus individual sounds more (for better or worse I guess) which may allow more of the sound to propel forward and more letting you feel as well as hear dynamic impact -- individual sounds just have more oomph. Maggies obviously throw bigger and relatively more diffuse images and maybe as a result dont focus energy as much and diminish physical impact. Obviously you can augment bass with subs and that's fine, but I'm talking about even the mids/lower mids -- think baritone sax or perhaps the lower registers of a tenor sax, which seem to lack some dynamic power although they otherwise sound excellent.

Anyway, if that's what you meant your choice of dynamic vs. planar may come down to this critical difference between the technologies. I didn't spend enough time with Maggies to get a sense of their soundstage depth capabilities, but I have with Vandies and I thought they were among the best I've heard in that area. Combining these areas I'd think Vandies would be well worth a look. Hope this helps and best of luck.
Schubert, you will not be happy with Vandersteen. I owned a pair of 2Ce sigs and while they were excellent for jazz and acoustic music I could not bear to listen to classical through them. That 4" midrange driver could not handle massed strings and sounded congested and grainy with symphonic music.
REgarding Vandersteen, they are three way designs versus Maggie 2-way. In general, I am not a fan of most smaller three way speakers for classical music especially.

I am not a Vandy expert, and believe they have a lot of potential set up right, but not sure they would be my first choice for classical music.

Last thing I will say is I replaced older Maggies that i owned for years a few years back with my current setup mainly due to difficulty getting the right setup in my current room and the "feel it" factor that was missing, in that I listen to a lot of music genres, not just classical, but I have have been most satisfied ever since.

I will say that for classical music in particular, a tube or two upstream in the pre-amp and/or source with SS amplification and matching speakers does not hurt in particular for digital sources in particular.

Also I'l say that Maggies sound particularly good with tube amplification for classical based on my auditions. THat's somethign I never tried, but perhaps if I did, the Maggies might still be around.