What's wrong with my almost new speakers?

I purchased a pair of new speakers less than 2 yrs ago. They sounded just fine to begin with, but within 1 year they became "irratating" after a short listen. I have purchased new speakers since then from Focal and Harbeth, and both of these pairs sound wonderful. What's wrong with the speakers from 2 yrs ago? Bad crossovers? Bad drivers?
We do not listen to music at loud levels.
This is ridiculous. The OP asked a simple question with admittedly too little information to provide an informed answer. Fine, ask for additional clarification but trying to show your witty side at the OP's expense is out of bounds. I note that Mc240 has been a member for a while and may be used to seeing this sort of behavior but a new member would not and would most likely be put off by this sort of behavior (and probably not return). I've seen any number of threads berating and/or bemoaning this same type of behavior among the brick and mortar establishments - how's this any different? Do you guys WANT to increase participation in this hobby or not?

Hopefully the OP will return with more information and we'll be able to help them. I can think of several possible explanations. For example, nobody's mentioned changes to the listening room. But then most have been too busy trying to be cute.
Have you been keeping the cabinet and the drivers clean?
When was the last time you cleaned both ends of the cable terminations
and the speaker posts? When was the last time you snugly tightened
the screws of the speaker cabinet?

Have you made any changes recently to the room in which you
use the speakers? New carpet or carpet removal, different furniture
and furniture placement, different wall and lighting fixtures? Do you have other unused speakers in the same room?
I have spent considerable time researching this problem, using all the resources at my disposal. The problem is the speakers you purchased 2 years ago sounded like S#&*# when you bought them unbeknownst to you……at the time.

Now sell them on audiogon and tell the goners how good they sound, bass to die for, huge sound stage, perfect tonal quality….and they must certainly be in "mint" condition.

Good luck and God speed.