Need suggestions on bookshelf speaker upgrades

I have the delco 65 recv with 2 lsa statement speakers...looking to keep this recv...and sell the ref speakers for better bookshelves..i am looking for a sound experience that makes it seem like im in a live concert..imaging crucial
Wow, what a rude person and response. 90% or more of the
folks on here speak highly of their systems that they own or
are about to own. I guess I do the same. I also talk about
some products I hear along the way that I also like.
Sneaking and untruthful? Really? You can try and turn my
words into anything you want to. Bottom line is that when I
heard a pair of your speakers, they didn't do it for me. I
have no excuses for you Alex, nor would I or should I. I
put out an olive branch and you just stomped on it.

You obviously had plenty of time as you responded a few
times to my posts. How's that for using your words against
you? Sorry that my opinion doesn't count and yours does.
What a way to run a business Alex. I honestly don't
understand what your motive is other than to try and
discredit my thoughts by calling me a liar. You obviously
have no idea who I am. Since this is the first time I've
been called a liar in ages (don't remember another time
since I've been an adult)it took me off guard, lol.

I love and will always love music and the equipment it's
played on. What I don't' like are people who make any
product and tell everyone else that if you find anything
wrong with it, that you are wrong and a liar. Basically,
this thread is a microcosm of the world of audio. It's all
about personal preference and choices. That's why there are
SOOOO many speaker companies and why so many go out of
business after ten or so years.

Nearly everyone I've ever met who have heard my system or
Quicksilver with Proacs have loved them. They talk about
the speakers not being in the room. That said, not everyone
says that. I've heard two people say that the sound just
stays in between the speakers. Guess what Alex? Both are
correct because it's what they heard. How can you ever make
a statement that your speakers NEVER sound a certain way ( I
forget the exact words you used, so I won't put in the whole
phrase)? Never means for everyone regardless of their
hearing situation, the room (a room will play in part of
what anyone hears unless you are using headphones, right?),

Sorry, but you have just come off as a rude and angry man
and should probably have just accepted my apology and moved

With all the time I've spent in this industry and with all
the people I've worked or associated myself with, you take
the cake with your responses. You have every right to think
what you want of me, but as Mom always said, if you don't
have something nice to say about someone, then don't say
anything....unless they come at you first. ;)

I really hope that you treat your paying customers better
than you treat strangers.
Gentlemen can we please get the thread back on track. All this bantering does not help the Op with his search for speakers. Alex I have heard many good things about your speakers I'm not sure why you are taking ctsooner's comments to heart. I have heard many speakers that I would have never have owned had I not had a chance to listen to them set up properly. We are all entitled to our opinions on here. Let's move the thread forward or move on entirely.
stay on tpoic, thinking the best bang for the buck and it isnt even close is vapor sound stiff breeze
Nyaudio98, you started this same thread last year and ended it as Vapor being the best. Looks a little suspicious. Even your previous answers pride Vapor.