Top brand speakers

Could someone with a vast experience with speakers/subwoofers say which ones are the top brands and worth the money.
Hello Bo,
Why do you feel it necessary to insult those who disagree with your perspective? And why make derogatory comments on the system/components owned by other thread participants? This is a good site for discussion, exchanging information, knowledge and individual experiences. With your behavior and responses you come off as immature.

I respect your opinion; however if you read BO's post you will discover the following:

- he is critical of equipment that he has never heard
- he contradicts himself a lot
- he recommends that same things over and over again...Pass, Audioquest, and MA speakers. My experience has taught me that system integration is more important that individual components; therefore it's impossible to say that the aforementioned components will always be the best choice!

All things you mentioned do appear to be true. I can't speak for others but it just does not bother me that much when Bo goes on his tangents. He does speak in a manner that he appears to present himself as "the" authority of better sound. In his mind and possibly from his trial and errors, he may possess something special but does need to learn how to better represent his findings and knowledge without downing others and their gear.

One thing's for sure, you either love or hate Bo. There's no middle ground! lol.
In my country it is the same. In the past it was the same too. People were a little affraid when I came into their room. Most people in audio are fat. But I am big with a atletic figure. It provokes some people. But who cares.

They knew they will know if it is good or bad. You get what it is.I have proven for years that I can create a much higher endresult in sound. Some people hate it. It is not my problem that they cannot achieve the same level.

They have the same possibilities. Audio is about comparing. The one with the best and most convincing sounds wins.

Many people are extreme f..lazy overhere. It says a lot about them. This makes it easy to win. Why they do not start to invest time in testing and looking for new techniques?

The people who like me have the best :) it is that simple!