Audiophile Active Speakers?

Bracing for a flame war on this one - but are there any really seriously good sounding active floor standers? The new Dynaudio XEO 6's intrigued me.

Here's why I'm interested. I recently acquired some great Verity Audio speakers that I realized my entire cabling, amps, preamps etc were too warm for. Problem is I'm getting past the point where I see this as a hobby and am just looking for good music reproduction without tons of system matching experimentation etc.

One interesting option would be selling all my electronics, cables, etc on A-gon and just purchasing a good DAC and good sounding Active floor standers. I could therefore afford decent speakers (up to $7K or so), pocket some cash, simply the system (and save lots of time and grief shopping for matching components).

Am I expecting something that would sound as good as the Verity's with appropriately good electronics? No - not even close.

But a quality audiophile sound I could live with and possible tweak with the right sounding DAC that could make me more or less satisfied is the goal. The don't have to be magical like the Verity's. Any thoughts?
+1 on ATC. Magical speakers. And most report that the actives are the ones to have from ATC.

The Meridian speakers require Meridian electronics as the wiring is proprietary. As I recall, you are restricted to digital sources unless using an older Model 565 processor. I'm sure that someone else will chime in who has more recent experience with Meridian systems than me.

I do remember hearing a room setup for Meridian's proprietary 3-channel "stereo" mode some time ago. The soundstage image presence and sense or space were probably the best I have ever heard.
Soundfield audio m1. I have heard a few adams and while quite good the soundfields to me are in a different league.
I would recommend that you listen to both the ATC and Adam speakers. Both excel at dynamics, and I love the higher end Adams' Heil midrange and tweeter units. May be tough to get them for $7K, though.
Many advantages to a active approach, especially one that let you taylor the speaker to your room and your taste.

Have made several completely active solutions using DSP programable Ice-powered amplifiers the results are extremely good. You can make a speaker that have a completely flat frequency response and one that is completely time coherent - if thats what you desire.

Good Listening
