Voice and instrument image bunched in the middle??

Playing with speaker placement in hopes of improving focus and image placement etc etc along the width of the soundstage. Voices and instruments seem to be all bunched up in the middle of the soundstage. At wits end...can't seem to get an improvement. Too close to side walls? Too much or too little toe in? Speakers too near or far apart?

Any suggestions?
It sounds like you are listening to a mono recording. If the recordings are old this may very well be the case. One thing you may want to try is to reverse the speaker cables on the binging posts of just 1 speaker and see how that sounds. If you are biwiring, switch both, but just on 1 speaker. Listing your equipment would also be a good idea.
You do not describe your equipment so it is hard to understand what is going on. It can be a tweak for speaker placement, changing a capacitor in the preamp, etc. Have you heard the same recordings in a different system that had different results?
Make certain that your speaker cables are each going to the correct speaker. That has often been the cause of the problem for me.
Once you have tried all the above suggestions to no avail, take into account the effect your room has on sound. Room treatments such as absorption and /or diffusion may help.

Using center panels on the wall behind your system often can improve focus and image. Absorption in corners behind speakers may tighten bass. Panels at first reflection points and rear wall will absorb standing waves.
But first you need a good reference recording.
If all of your connections are proper, try the Sumiko Master Set Method of speaker placement. Works with any system and in any room.