Phillips no longer producing transports

Hi folks, as many of you are no doubt aware Phillips have decided to stop producing the Pro 2 LH transport used by ARC, Ayon, Vitus and others. What does this all mean? I'm informed by one manufacturer who I wont name that their stock of transports is good for another year or so of production whilst maintaining stock for warranty service. I'm told they are now moving toward designing a server to replace cd players in future. Esoteric are still manufacturing transports, and Accuphase have moved to a proprietory transport mechanism, so cd players will still be produce into the future. But for a powerhouse like Phillips to give up on cd transports is a harbinger, a sign of things to come and the likely phasing out of cd production. It is likely in future cd production will only continue in small runs of for audiophile labels and boutique producers, and high res downloads will continue to develop and become more mainstream. I think Bob Dylan said "The times they are a changin'".
09-10-13: Schubert
Sony no baloney.
..sounds like Schubert's unfinished symphony :D
Bifwynne please let me know what Kal says. I just got a brand new cd9, and needed a new transport right out of the box. ARC service was exceptional.

Confident this will now last a long time, but would feel much better knowing it could be serviced again should the need arise.

On a separate note, can't wait for this to be fully broken in!
Let us hope that a more focused group will continue to produce CD drives, exclusively
... until chapter 11.
Nonoise, Many years ago A LOT (!!!) of NEW (in movement containers) Valjoux 72 movements were discarded and crushed!!
I wonder if new Phillips Pro Transports are available for purchase for those outside of the industry. I would feel secure having a backup as for my Naim CD555. I plan on using it, and living, for a long time.
Knghifi -

there are a plethora of spinners out there that uses some form of Phillips CD drive- no chapter 11 in sight!