If you had a Benz cartridge would you let someone

Else retip it. From my understanding with the distributor Benz is about 12 to 18 months behind on retipping. Would you let someone in the United States retip it for you. The dealer and the distributor both say it won't sound the same If Benz doesn't retip it. But who wants to wait all that time for a retip. Who in the states has retipped you're Benz cartridge that you have been happy with?
At present Benz uses MR (micro ridge) styli but in the
past the Gyger S. Well Van den Hul designed 3 styli for
Gyger: Gyger 1, II and S. What is called 'Van den Hul'
styli are actually Gyger styli. He probably made such an
agreement with Gyger as he deed with Benz (for parts).
The styli are sold with the cantilever as a combo. So no
wonder Bill was satisfied with Van den Hul retip.
I sent my Benz LP to Soundsmith for a retip only, i.e. on the existing cantilever. SS did N excellent job and the Benz sounds like new again.

Salectric, I was curious as to whether your retipped Benz sounds about the same, just different, or better with the stylus shape used by SS.
Tony, I am not sure I understand your question. My Benz received a new tip at Soundsmith. The tip was supposed to be as close as possible to the one it came with. Since I had used the cartridge for 3 years prior to the retipping, I can't be totally sure but it seemed to me the retipped Benz sounded the same as when it was new.
Tony&Selectric, What we call 'retip' is usually exchange of the whole cantilever/ stylus combo. The old one is pulled out the new one glued instead. That is btw how supplier provide manufacturer and reapair services: cantilever with stylus already fitted. To glue a new stylus in the original cantilever seems to be much more difficult job. So this 'real' retip should be also more expensive. But for Soundsmith in Salectric case would be necessary to have Gyger S styli for the retip. Otherwise 'the same sound' is not probable.
Nandric, from what I understand SS offers either a new stylus and cantilever, or really a new "retip" - replacing the stylus on the existing cantilever. And yes it is more expensive than the first option. I think they recommend this as an option for carts that are already outfitted with boron or similar cantilevers.

Salectric, you answered my question exactly as it was intended. Thanks.