Replacing the stock power cable of the TT

I have a heavily modified Rega planar 3.
Interconnect + weight + VTA adjuster + isolation domes were all replaced.
Recently I was amazed by how replacing the stock power cables of my stereo components with Kimber PK14 power cable boosted the sound quality. Every sound aspect was improved. To my humble opinion...the best value I ever gained for 200$.
So my question is ...
Will I get the same effect if I replace the 10 cents stock power cable of my TT with a Kimber one.
Don't worry about the complexity of the operation. After I successfully replaced the Interconnect of the Rega, replacing the power cable seems peanuts.
Actually my question is relevant for any TT:
Why do people keep the stock crap power cables of their turntable ? Are people deterred by the need to open the motor ?
Photon46 is right. You can put a different PC on your Rega but it won't do anything.
You convinced me. Since in TT the signal path has nothing to do with the AC grid, a power cord should not improve anything.
A number of P3 owners weighed in on this subject here:
I have an "audiophile grade" power cord on my turntable....but only because I had an extra one. Listening to the original and the upgraded cord sounds the same to these ears.